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Figure 3 | BMC Developmental Biology

Figure 3

From: The RGS gene loco is essential for male reproductive system differentiation in Drosophila melanogaster

Figure 3

The adult reproductive tissue from the loco mutants. A: Adult reproductive system of OrR Drosophila melanogaster. B: The testes of the mutant loco318. The testes in this fly seem much smaller and thinner than OrR. C: The male reproductive tissue of loco358. The accessory glands are small and differ in size; furthermore, the anterior ejaculatory duct appeared swollen. D: The male reproductive tissue of the loco358mutant heterozygous with OrR. Both testes have formed and the accessory glands seem fuller than the homozygous mutant. The anterior duct seems less swollen and the posterior end looks fuller. The morphology is still very unlike wild-type testes however these flies are fertile. E: The male reproductive tissue of loco387. The testes remain unwound and are much smaller than the accessory glands. The accessory glands are not as full as OrR. F: The male reproductive tissue of loco387is flattened and ruptured and spermatid bundles are observed. T: Testis, AG: accessory gland, AD: anterior ejaculatory duct and S: sperm.

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