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Fig. 5 | BMC Developmental Biology

Fig. 5

From: Hsp90 and hepatobiliary transformation during sea lamprey metamorphosis

Fig. 5

Hsp90 gene expression during various metamorphic and life stages in the liver of sea lamprey. Increased hsp90 mRNA expression coincided with the onset (M1), gall bladder disappearance (M3), and final stages (M6-M7) of metamorphosis. Sharp declines of hsp90 mRNA concentrations also demarcated the heightened biliary degeneration stage (M2) and the transition in life stages (M → T, SP → LP, POF → OF, and PSM → SM). a: significantly different from larval (L) group; b: significantly different from metamorphic stage 1 (M1); c: significantly different from M2; d: significantly different from M3; e: significantly different from M4; f: significantly different from M5; g: significantly different from M6; h: significantly different from M7; i: significantly different from newly transformed juvenile (JV); j: significantly different from small parasite (SP); k: significantly different from large parasite (LP); l: significantly different from pre-ovulatory female (POF); m: significantly different from ovulatory female (OF); n: significantly different from pre-spermiating male (PSM); o: significantly different from spermiating male (SM); *: significantly different from all other groups (ANOVA test followed by post hoc test, p < 0.05). Number on each bar represents the number (n) of lamprey in each group

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