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Fig. 4 | BMC Developmental Biology

Fig. 4

From: Myc regulates programmed cell death and radial glia dedifferentiation after neural injury in an echinoderm

Fig. 4

Representative micrographs showing the effect of Myc knockdown on glial dedifferentiation on day 2 post-injury/DsiRNA injection. The radial glial cells are visualized by immunostaining with the ERG1 monoclonal antibody (red) [17]; the nuclei (in a, b, d, e) were stained with Hoechst (blue). All micrographs are longitudinal sections with the plane of the injury (dashed line) to the right. a and b Control injections of the vehicle (a) and an irrelevant (GFP-targeting) DsiRNA (b). c Higher magnification of the radial nerve cord in a control (vehicle-injected) animal. d and e Injection of Myc-targeting DsiRNAs, Myc Dsi1 (d) and Myc Dsi2 (e). f Higher magnification of the radial nerve cord in a Myc Dsi2-injected animal. Note that in the control animals (a-c) the glial cells loose their long basal processes, while the cell bodies (arrow in c) remain in the apical region of the ectoneural neuroepithelium (en). In contrast, many of the radial glial cells in the animals injected with Myc-targeting DsiRNAs (d-f) retained their basal processes, which extended through the underlying neural parenchyma (asterisk)

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