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Figure 1 | BMC Developmental Biology

Figure 1

From: Axon-bearing and axon-less horizontal cell subtypes are generated consecutively during chick retinal development from progenitors that are sensitive to follistatin

Figure 1

Horizontal cells express either Lim1 or Isl1 in equally large proportions. (A): The HCL of a flat-mounted normal retina section labelled for Lim1 (red) and Isl1 (green) reveals that the expression patterns do not overlap. (B): Quantification of HCs expressing Lim1 or Isl1 with respect to Prox1 at st35 (expressed as % ± s.d., n animals = 3). (C-L): Comparison of the labelling patterns of Lim1 (C-G, green) and Prox1 combined with Isl1 (H-L, red/green) in st31-35 (E7–E9) retinas reveal that Lim1 and Isl1 HCs migrate (*) and reach the HCL (**) at different time points. White arrows in H indicate double-labelled cells. Scale bars are 20 μm (A) and 40 μm (L, valid for C-L).

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