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Table 1 Comparison of GAL4Δ and GAL4-VP16

From: Functionality of the GAL4/UAS system in Tribolium requires the use of endogenous core promoters






Tc-hsp-GAL4Δ #1

3 h

4 h

Tc-hsp-GAL4Δ #2

3 h

4 h

Tc-hsp-GAL4-VP16 #2

4 h

4 h

Tc-hsp-GAL4-VP16 #3

4 h

6 h

  1. Response to GAL4Δ is slightly faster than to GAL4-VP16. Shown is the time when first fluorescence of tGFP was visible after heat shock. The driver lines Tc-hsp-GAL4Δ#1 and #2 as well as Tc-hsp-GAL4-VP16#2 and #3 were crossed against the responder lines UAS-Tc-bhsp-tGFP#2 and #7. Combinations containing driver lines based on GAL4Δ result in earlier responder gene expression (3.5 hours on average) than combinations containing GAL4-VP16-based lines (4.5 hours on average).