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Figure 2 | BMC Developmental Biology

Figure 2

From: Changes in expression of Class 3 Semaphorins and their receptors during development of the rat retina and superior colliculus

Figure 2

RNA expression levels of the Class 3 Semaphorins in the rat retina during development. Sema3s: Sema3f is the most predominant transcript, and Sema3a the least. All transcripts increased expression through development and maintained relatively high levels into adulthood. Sema3a: Expression rises slightly to a peak at P14, dropping at P21 before rising again at adulthood. Sema3b: Expression is lowest in the embryonic retina, around half that found from P14 onwards. Sema3c: Transcription is stable up to P0 then rises twofold by P21 and into adulthood. Sema3e: Expression levels rise steadily after birth, reaching fourfold higher levels at their peak in the adult. Sema3f: There are two periods of increased expression, a doubling at birth before falling again by P7 and then rising back by P21 and into adulthood. Error bars are SEM; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01; n = 4–5.

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