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Figure 10 | BMC Developmental Biology

Figure 10

From: Organogenesis during budding and lophophoral morphology of Hislopia malayensis Annandale, 1916 (Bryozoa, Ctenostomata)

Figure 10

Sections of the adult lophophoral base of Hislopia malayensis. (a) Near-cross-section through the mouth opening distally of the lophophoral base. (b) Near-cross-section through the pharyngeal area more proximally of the lophophoral base than in (a). Abbreviations: afnr - abfrontal nerve root, cc - conspicuous central nerve cell of the cerebral ganglion, cgl - cerebral ganglion, cont - circumoral nerve trunk, cw - cystid wall, ecm - prominently staining extracelluar matrix, es - esophagus, itnc - intertentacular nerve cell, itp - intertentacular pits, lc - lophoral ring coelom, litp - lumen enclosed by the intertentacular pits, lfn - latero-frontal tentacle nerves, mfn - medio-frontal tentacle nerve, mo - mouth opening, n - nerve fibres, phl - pharynx lumen, pt - thin peritoneal layer surrounding the lophophoral base, sc - presumed sensory cells, st - stomach. Scale bar = 30 μm.

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