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Fig. 5 | BMC Developmental Biology

Fig. 5

From: Short term optical defocus perturbs normal developmental shifts in retina/RPE protein abundance

Fig. 5

Pathway enrichment in ion and vascular homeostasis, signal transduction, and solute transport clusters. a Bubble plot illustrating the NES and FDR across all pairwise comparisons for the eight enriched pathways in the ‘ion and vascular homeostasis’, ‘signal transduction’, and ‘solute transport’ clusters. Statistically significant enrichments (FDR < 0.05) are shown as filled circles. Heat maps show the mean LFQ intensity across lens groups for all proteins that were in the LES of one or more enriched pathways in the b ion and vascular homeostasis, c signal transduction and d solute transport clusters. Note that the LES varied across pathways that were significantly enriched in multiple lens groups (i.e., several of the ion and vascular homeostasis pathways). Full details of the LES for each comparison are provided in, Additional file 4 Figure S5

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