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Fig. 3 | BMC Developmental Biology

Fig. 3

From: Comparison of two related lines of tauGFP transgenic mice designed for lineage tracing

Fig. 3

TauGFP expression in fetal and adult tissues. a-c Confocal images of coronal vibratome sections of heads of E13.5 tauGFP-positive fetuses showing (a) TgTP6.3 Tg/− head, (b) TgTP6.4 Tg/− head with reduced levels of fluorescence in the brain and (c) higher magnification of part of TgTP6.4 Tg/− forebrain showing strong tauGFP fluorescence in blood vessels but little or none in neural tissue. d-f Confocal images of vibratome sections of TgTP6.4 Tg/− fetal eyes, showing (d) tauGFP fluorescence in the lens but not the neural retina at E17.5, (e) higher magnification view with little or no fluorescence in most of the E17.5 neural retina but weak fluorescence in the inner nuclear layer (INL) and nerve fibre layer (NFL) and strong fluorescence in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and (f) tauGFP fluorescence in the lens and hyaloid blood vessels but not the neural retina at E13.5. g, h Confocal images of E13.5, TgTP6.4 Tg/− vibratome sections showing tauGFP fluorescence in (g) fetal heart and (h) fetal lung. i-k Confocal images of sagittal vibratome sections of adult TgTP6.4 Tg/− brain showing (i) strong tauGFP fluorescence in the cerebellum but weaker fluorescence elsewhere, (j) tauGFP fluorescence and propidium iodide counterstain in the cerebellum and (k) higher magnification of tauGFP fluorescence in the cerebellum. l-p Confocal images of sagittal vibratome section of adult TgTP6.4 Tg/− non-neural tissues showing tauGFP fluorescence in (l) kidney, with strongly-fluorescent glomeruli, (m) lung, (n, o) heart and (p) liver. q-t Histograms from FACS analysis of whole brains from E14.5 fetuses showing cell counts versus green fluorescence intensity (FL1-height). q Three gated regions defined from a TgTP6.3 Tg/− tauGFP-positive sample are shown: M1 included all fluorescent cells, M2 included cells with low fluorescence (outside main fluorescent profile) and M3 included cells with high fluorescence (within main fluorescent profile). r-t FACS analysis showing the percentage of cells in each gated region for (r) tauGFP-positive TgTP6.3 Tg/−, (s) tauGFP-positive TgTP6.4 Tg/− and (t) tauGFP-negative TgTP6.4 −/−, fetal brains. Abbreviations: BGCB, Bergmann glia cell body; BGCP, Bergmann glia cell processes; GCL, granule cell layer; INL, inner nuclear layer of neural retina; NFL, nerve fibre layer; RPE, retinal pigment epithelium. Scale bars: e, o = 50 μm; p = 100 μm; c, f, h, k, l = 200 μm; d, g, j, m, n = 500 μm; a, b, i = 1000 μm

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