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Fig. 8 | BMC Developmental Biology

Fig. 8

From: A critical role for the Drosophila dopamine D1-like receptor Dop1R2 at the onset of metamorphosis

Fig. 8

Gαs-targeted, but not Gαi-targeted KD in the salivary glands results in pre-adult lethality. Expression of either of two Gαs (stimulatory G protein) RNAi constructs [122] under the control of P{GawB}332.3 driver induces lethality before eclosion (line 1 genotype: w1118;P{GawB}332.3-GAL4/+;UAS-dsGαs/+, line 2 genotype: w1118;P{GawB}332.3-GAL4/UAS-dsGαs). Expression of the Gαi (inhibitory G protein) RNAi construct, using the same driver, does not compromise viability (genotype: w1118;P{GawB}332.3-GAL4/+;UAS-dsGαi/+). Survival is expressed as percent of balancer progeny. Driver stocks: Gαs line 1: FBst0455666, Gαs line 2: FBst0477312, Gαi line: FBst0457318. Gαs line 1: n = 141, Gαs line 2: n = 186, Gαi: n = 416. Two replicates were performed for each of the three G protein RNAi driver lines. Error bars indicate the Standard Error of the Mean (SEM)

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