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Figure 2 | BMC Developmental Biology

Figure 2

From: Gene expression profiles during early differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells

Figure 2

Bioinformatic analysis of confirmed genes (part 2). From top left, columns are as follows: Experiment: this column indicates whether the gene confirmed is from the GSE8625 (undifferentiated ES cell lines) or GSE8766 (EB differentiation) gene lists. Acc no: GenBank accession number. Gene ID: the NIA clone ID, which is referred to in the NCBI nucleotide database as Gene ID. Identity refers to the official NCBI gene name to which the gene relates (where this is known). UniGene: refers to the UniGene cluster to which the EST has been assigned (where known). Chromosome indicates the mouse chromosome to which the EST maps. Differential regulation gives the nature of the expression change and the fold change derived from array analysis. Bioinformatics indicates possible functions related to differentiation obtained from searches of the NCBI database and the literature. Differentially regulated:other experiments describes if the EST/gene in question has been identified as differentially regulated in our own study of ES cells versus compartments of early embryos (GSE8881), and/or similar published work. Abbreviations associated with GSE8881: IMT11: undifferentiated IMT11 ES cells. ICM88 and ICM105 = blastocyst inner cell mass, 88 hours post coitum, 105 hours post coitum. DICM136, DICM180 = delayed blastocyst inner cell mass, 136 hours post coitum, 180 hours post coitum. EE5.5, EE6.5 = embryonic ectoderm, 5.5 and 6.5 days post coitum. For methods and more detailed descriptions of this experiment, see GEO, GSE8881, [24].

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