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Figure 7 | BMC Developmental Biology

Figure 7

From: Extensive molecular differences between anterior- and posterior-half-sclerotomes underlie somite polarity and spinal nerve segmentation

Figure 7

qPCR analysis of differential expression between sclerotome halves. qPCR was used to assess the relative expression in A- and P-half-sclerotomes of a selection of candidate genes identified from array and ISH experiments. Data for 11 genes with P-half sclerotome enrichment, 3 with A-half enrichment and spondin-1 as a P-half control are shown. Box plots indicate dispersion and skewness of the numerical distribution of expression values. qPCR values from individual experiments were expressed as a fraction of the highest value obtained for that gene in each half-sclerotome. No shading and grey shading indicates the distribution of A-half and P-half expression respectively. The extent of each box represents the middle 50% of the ranked data with the median indicated by a horizontal bar and range by the vertical lines.

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