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Figure 2 | BMC Developmental Biology

Figure 2

From: Abnormal skeletal and cardiac development, cardiomyopathy, muscle atrophy and cataracts in mice with a targeted disruption of the Nov (Ccn3) gene

Figure 2

Skeletal staining of wild type and Novdel3-/- E19.5 embryos and adults with Alcian blue (cartilage) and Alizarin red (bone). A-F: Novdel3-/- E19.5 embryos. A. Staining of rib cages showing barrel chest in Novdel3-/- with overgrowth of ribs. B. Hind foot showing fusion of the tarsal cartilage elements (white arrow) and elongation of the digits in Novdel3-/-. Note increased intensity of Alizarin red staining and thickening of the tibia in Novdel3-/- compared to wild type. C. Knee abnormalities in Novdel3-/- compared with wild type, including flattening of the patella. D. Malformation of the wrist elements in Novdel3-/- compared to wild type. E. Dislocation of hip (arrow) in Novdel3-/- compared to wild type. F. Kinking of tail with compression of the vertebral body (arrow) in Novdel3-/- embryo. G-J: Adult skeletons. Overgrowth of the appendicular skeleton in Novdel3-/-, and to a lesser extent in Novdel3+/-, compared to wild type (+/+) littermate. H. Overgrowth of the axial skeleton in Novdel3-/- compared to wild type, with increased length of individual vertebral bodies. I. Frontal view of right (upper panel) and left (lower panel) knee joints from Novdel3-/- and wild type (+/+) littermates showing abnormal patella (P) and grossly enlarged medial meniscus (arrow head) in mutant compared with wild type. J. Lateral view of knee showing flattening of patella in Novdel3-/-. F: femur; T: tibia and P: patella.

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