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Figure 1 | BMC Developmental Biology

Figure 1

From: Analysis of the Rana catesbeiana tadpole tail fin proteome and phosphoproteome during T3-induced apoptosis: identification of a novel type I keratin

Figure 1

Subcellular fractionation of the tail fin proteome. (A) Fractionation of tail fin cells into subcellular compartments and subsequent treatments of those fractions. Two different extraction procedures, based on differential centrifugation, were developed to generate the nuclear and the cytoplasmic/mitochondrial/microsomal fractions. (B) SDS-PAGE shows the successful fractionation of the total tail fin proteome into the cytosolic (Cytos), mitochondrial (Mito), microsomal (Micros), and nuclear (Nucl) fractions. Relative molecular weights of protein standards are indicated in kDa. (C) Immunoblot of the gel in (B) for the mitochondrial marker, cytochrome c (arrow) showing the enrichment of mitochondria in the expected fraction. (D) Immunoblot of the gel in (B) for the nuclear markers, lamin B1 and B2 (double arrow) showing the enrichment of nuclei in the expected fraction.

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