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Figure 7 | BMC Developmental Biology

Figure 7

From: Requirement of histone deacetylase activity for the expression of critical photoreceptor genes

Figure 7

Effect of HDAC inhibition on the development of retinal cell types. P2 mouse retinal explants were cultured in the presence of 100 nM TSA or DMSO. After 8 days in culture, cells were dissociated and immunostained with cell type-specific antibodies. Marker positive cells were counted for each antibody from 3 independent experiments. Eight hundred to 1000 cells were counted for each antibody in each experiment. In all of the three experiments, not a single cell was detected as Rhodopsin or GS positive when retinal explants were treated with TSA. Significance analysis was performed using a Student's t-Test. *** p < 0.05. (BP-bipolar cells, Prog-progenitor cells, RBP-rod bipolar cells, AC-amacrine cells, HC-horizontal cells, GC-ganglion cells, MG- Müller glial cells.)

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