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Figure 3 | BMC Developmental Biology

Figure 3

From: Plexin-B1 plays a redundant role during mouse development and in tumour angiogenesis

Figure 3

PlexinB1 and Sema4D expression in developing and adult cerebellum. P10 (A) and adult (B-E) cerebellum. In A, B, C, E left is rostral, right is caudal. A) In the P10 cerebellum PlexinB1 is homogeneously expressed in Pk cell perikarya, axons (A) and in the dendrites invading the molecular layer (inset). B) This expression is maintained in adult Pk cells. At this age, however, labelling intensity of Pk axons shows a clear rostrocaudal gradient (compare the black arrows with the red arrowheads in C). In addition, frontal sections reveal different expression levels in parasagittally-oriented Pk subsets (D). E) Diffuse Sema4D immunoreactivity is present in the adult molecular layer. Pk, Purkinje cells; dn, deep nuclei; ml, molecular layer.

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