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Figure 6 | BMC Developmental Biology

Figure 6

From: A role for Phospholipase D in Drosophilaembryonic cellularization

Figure 6

Lva-marked Golgi vesicles display increased size in Pldnullembryos and plasma membrane insertion of Neurotactin (Nrt) is defective, but Rab11 localization is unaltered. Cellularizing embryos were immunostained with affinity-purified antisera to visualize trafficking proteins and subcellular compartments. A, B. Anti-Lva antisera to visualize Golgi vesicles A. Two y1w67c23control embryos, representative of 82 examined, illustrate Lva-stained vesicles present both apically and basally. B. Two Pldnullembryos, representative of 75 examined, reveal an increased intensity of Lva staining and increased size of Lva-marked Golgi vesicles. Images were taken at or near the embryonic equator. The differences in Lva-staining intensity were reproducible across multiple experiments and batches of embryos. Aggregate size distributions were quantified on 12 y1w67c23control and 12 Pldnullembryos using NIH Image J software. C, D. Cellularizing embryos were heat-fixed and immunostained with mouse monoclonal anti-Nrt. C. In representative y1w67c23control embryos (two are shown), Nrt accumulates at the plasma membrane and in small vesicles. D. In representative Pldnullembryos, in contrast, neurotactin accumulates subapically and apicolaterally. In total, 36 embryos from multiple experiments were examined with similar results. E, F. Cellularizing embryos were heat-fixed and immunostained with rat polyclonal anti-Rab11.

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