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Figure 6 | BMC Developmental Biology

Figure 6

From: Notch signaling through Tramtrack bypasses the mitosis promoting activity of the JNK pathway in the mitotic-to-endocycle transition of Drosophila follicle cells

Figure 6

JNK pathway components Basket (Bsk170B), Puckered (PucA251), and Hemipterous (Hepr75) control cell cycle in follicle cells by promoting mitosis prior to the transition to endocycle. (A, A') Bsk mutant cells (no green GFP) have larger nuclei, marked with DAPI (red), compared to wild-type cells marked with GFP (green). (B, B') Puc mutant cells (no green GFP) appear to be disrupted in mitotic division but the cell nuclei, marked with DAPI (red), are not abnormally large and therefore have not gone into endocycle. (C) Quantification of the number of cells in Bsk mutant clones compared to the number in their sister clones shows that the clones are approximately half the size of their sister clones, indicating a premature exit from mitotic division (mean = 0.58, p = 0.002). (D) Quantification of the number of cells in Hep mutant clones compared to the number in their sister clones shows a similar phenotype (mean = 0.55, p = 0.02). (E) Quantification of the number of cells in Puc mutant clones compared to the number in their sister clones shows no consistent defect in mitotic division (mean = 0,88, p = 0.4, suggesting that the size difference between sister and mutant clones is not statistically significant). (F-H) Bsk mutant cells (no green GFP) compared to wild-type cells marked with GFP (green) in stages prior to the mitotic-to-endocycle show no affects on (F) string expression, marked with LacZ (red), or (G) dacapo expression, marked with c-Myc tag (red). (H, H') Bsk mutant cells (no green GFP) also do not show premature fizzy-related expression, marked with LacZ (red). All cells are marked with DAPI (blue).

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