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Figure 3 | BMC Developmental Biology

Figure 3

From: The precise timeline of transcriptional regulation reveals causation in mouse somitogenesis network

Figure 3

Gene regulation during mouse somitogenesis. Position of a gene symbol on the plot reflects time of peak expression (angle; clockwise) and the mean expression level (genes with high expression level are closer to the center). Arrows represent the known causation (green arrows connect genes in the causation direction matching those found in the literature and red arrows are in the reverse causation order. Dot links are between genes too distant to indicate direction of causation). Solid black arcs represent the estimated timing accuracy for each gene. Causation directions are compiled from literature [1–10]. Genes are color-coded according to their known pathway association with green for Notch, magenta for Fgf, purple for Wnt; in addition, dashed strokes are used for genes previously not reported as cyclic.

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