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Figure 8 | BMC Developmental Biology

Figure 8

From: Expression of pair rule gene orthologs in the blastoderm of a myriapod: evidence for pair rule-like mechanisms?

Figure 8

Comparison of early prd ortholog expression in the blastoderm of the myriapod Glomeris (Myriapoda), the mite Tetraynchus (Chelicerata) , and insects ( Schistocerca, Tribolium, Nasonia, Apis and Drosophila ) . (A) Early expression of prd orthologs in alternating segments or in double-segment wide splitting patterns. Double-headed arrows indicate for splitting expression domains. (B) Late segmental expression of prd/ pby orthologs. Note that expression in every other segment is enhanced or weaker, respectively. Arrows as in (A). Abbreviations: an, antennal segment, ch, cheliceral segment; hemi., hemimetabolous; holo., holometabolous; ic, intercalary segment; L1-L4, first to fourth walking leg bearing segment in chelicerates; lb, labial segment; md, mandibular segment; mx, maxillary segment; ped, pedipalpal segment; pmd, premandibular segment; pmx, postmaxillary segment; T1-T2, first and second trunk segment.

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