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Table 1 Comparison of [32PO4] Incorporation into Purified Phosvitin from Control and Progesterone-treated Rana pipiens Folliclesa

From: Progesterone-induced changes in the phosphoryl potential during the meiotic divisions in amphibian oocytes: Role of Na/K-ATPase

Protein Fraction




Sp. Act. Cpm/ìmole protein phosphateb

Purified Phosvitin

160 ± 36

2368 ± 104

  1. aIsolated ovarian follicles were preincubated in Ringer's solution with or without 3.2 jaU progesterone for 5 h at 22°C, [32PO4] added, and then further incubated for 4 h. bMean ± SD (N = 3) Denuded oocytes and/or isolated ovarian follicles from 3 hibernating Rana pipiens females.