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Figure 6 | BMC Developmental Biology

Figure 6

From: Characterisation of the role of Vrp1 in cell fusion during the development of visceral muscle of Drosophila melanogaster

Figure 6

Several mutants for components of the Scar-Wasp signaling network develop a normal gut, but display Duf/Kirre accumulation phenotype. (A-D) Stage 17 embryos stained with FasIII to visualize VM and β3-Tubulin to visualize SM. All mutants in B-D display no obvious VM phenotypes, shown by the presence of a developed gut (arrows), this is despite severe SM mutant phenotypes (arrowheads indicate unfused SM cells in B'-D'). (A-A') Wild type. (B-B') ketteJ4-48. (C-C') wasp3D3-035. (D-D') arp3-wasp. (E) arp3-wasp mutant embryo, stage 15, stained with Duf/Kirre (red) and Alk (green). Duf/Kirre accumulations are observed in both the VM (box) and SM (arrowhead). (E') Close up of box in D. Duf/Kirre is accumulated in foci indicated by arrowheads. (E'') Close up of box in D, Alk staining marks VM (arrow). Arrowhead indicates Duf/Kirre accumulations as in H'.

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