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Figure 8 | BMC Developmental Biology

Figure 8

From: Drosophila mitoferrinis essential for male fertility: evidence for a role of mitochondrial iron metabolism during spermatogenesis

Figure 8

Localization of dmfrn-venus protein in testis using conventional microscopy (A and B) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (C-E). (A) Phase contrast (pha. contr.) and fluorescence (venus, green) microscopy of a testis from a dmfrnvenusB32fly. dmfrn-venus protein accumulates in elongated spermatids and waste bags. (B) Higher magnification of the area indicated in (A), showing the accumulation of dmfrn-venus in waste bags. (C-E) Confocal laser scanning microscope images of dmfrnvenusB32expression in spermatids. (C) Expression of dmfrnvenusB32(venus, green) in whole mount testis. Mitochondria stained with MitoTracker Deep Red 633 (MitoTracker, red). Arrow: onion stage spermatids; arrow head: elongated spermatids. (D) Localization of dmfrn-venus inside the cystic bulge at the individualization complex. dmfrn-venus (venus, green) accumulates in mitochondrial whorls in front of the actin cones (RhoPha, red) of the individualization complex. (E) After individualization, dmfrn-venus (venus, green) accumulates in waste bags.

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