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Figure 4 | BMC Developmental Biology

Figure 4

From: Laminin-511 and integrin beta-1 in hair follicle development and basal cell carcinoma formation

Figure 4

Hair follicles in laminin alpha 5 null mice have primary cilia. A-D: Confocal z-stacks of primary cilia and dermal papilla in hair follicles of E14.5 (A-B) and E16.5 (C-D) skin of wild type (A, C) and lamα5-/- (B, D) animals. Adenylyl cyclase III (green) indicates the primary cilia, CD133 (red) marks the dermal papilla cells and Hoechst dye (blue) indicates cell nuclei. A'-D': Zoom of boxed areas in A-D. E: Confocal z-stacks of primary cilia in dermal papilla of wild type E16.5 skin treated overnight with either control IgM or Ha2/5 antibody to Itβ1 (as indicated). Immunofluoresence same as in A-D. F: H&E stained frozen sections of 9-day allografts of wild type E16.5 skin treated overnight with either control IgM or Ha2/5 antibody (as indicated). IgM treated allografts show significant hair growth and normal hair-free skin. Ha2/5 treated allografts show both blistered and intact epidermis with little to no hair growth, indicating the ability of this antibody to block Itβ1 function and hair follicle development. G: Percent dermal papilla cells with primary cilia in z-stacks of dermal papilla from E16.5 skin treated with either IgM or Ha2/5 antibody (as in E). All scale bars indicate 10 μm. Abbreviations: DPC, dermal papilla cells; PC, primary cilia; Ab, antibody.

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